Helpful Resources

Caregiving For All: June 19, 2023, Del Larson, Certified Lay Minister

There are many resources out there for caregivers. I am trying to keep you as informed as I possibly can. It would take me a century to share it all. I doubt I have that much time, but knowing God, anything is possible. I will continue to share insights from my research, personal experiences, classes and online groups, and information I receive from other resources. I find my searching has helped me to find answers, not just about diseases, but for me personally on how to take care of myself, so that I can care for others. Some of these may be a repeat, but that is good for those of us who need reviews. We have a half dozen new readers since I started this blog in November 2022. Listed below are but a few sources that I have found extremely useful that contain useful information.

* The AARP magazine has an article on caregiving in each edition.

* Teepa Snow, a dementia care specialist, and the Positive Approach to Care (PAC) Team share about dementia so that everyone can understand why changes are happening and how you can support those living with brain change more positively and respectfully.

* Elaine K Sanchez, author, speaker, and founder of an organization called CaregiverHelp has been an outstanding resource for me on my caretaking journey. Based on her extensive experience of caring for family elders, Elaine K Sanchez developed a passion for helping others manage the emotional stress of caregiving. Below is a talk that Sanchez gave entitled “Finding Hope, Humor, and Heart in Caregiving.” I found it particularly helpful when dealing with the everyday stresses of caregiving. I believe that for me, my humor helps me to be a better caregiver. The more I can make my wife or others laugh, the less stress I feel. I am not going to tell you I do not face stress and sadness, but I am happy with my progress with joy and laughter.

* DailyCaring website. It contains several articles with a lot of excellent caregiver information. One article I found very helpful in dealing with the everyday stresses of caregiving was this one “5 Ways to Reduce and Manage Caregiver Resentment.”

* Today’s Caregiver website. This site also contains a wealth of information to aid you in your caregiving journey. One I found most helpful was this one on “Emotional Fatigue.” It listed the signs of fatigue and tips on how to deal with it. This came at a good time for me, as I too am struggling. For me, my goal is to avoid depression, frustration, or anxiety for less than a day. Yes, I talk a lot to myself, and I do answer as well.

I appreciate hearing from you. Positive or negative. My email is attached, or you can call the church and they will give you, my number. Feel free to respond, ask questions, or tell me what you think. I hope that you can find one thing that will be helpful to you. Email:

Thoughts on the University of Minnesota Caregiving Conference

Caregiving For All:  June 15, 2023, Del Larson, Certified Lay Minister

Wow!  It has been two weeks since the University of Minnesota Caregiver Conference.   I wanted to share this with you, but my notes are long.  Instead, if you send me a request, (address below) I will forward a link so you can view conference highlights.

The opening session, AVOIDING POWER STRUGGLES by Deb Nygaard was, in my opinion the best session for me.  It hit the nail on the head with information on how to deal with dementia patients as the disease progresses.

The second session, THE CAREGIVING PRINCIPLE, presented by Carol Amos. The caregiving principle: “Needs of the Loved One minus Needs filled by the Loved One equals Needs to be filled by the Caregiver.”  It was helpful for me as she clarified the symptoms of caregiver Stress, and how to better take care of ourselves.  For caregivers, their health is a slow decline but increases as time and stress increase.  Most do not realize how much their workload increases until it is too late.  Caregiving can last over 20 years.  Most do not recognize the toll on the body until they realize they are struggling mentally or physically.

The third session, RESILIENT TOGETHER presented by Jeremy Holloway, Ph.D., talked about Cross-Cultural Communications.  Its focus was on better help for all care patients no matter what their cultural background is.

The Last session WORKING TOGETHER WITH RESIDENTIAL CARE CENTER STAFF presented by Amy House, a director of a nursing facility.  In this session Amy offered helpful information on working with nursing home staff and the facilities. Since returning from the conference, I was able to use the information more than once when helping my 96-year-old friend move into a memory care facility.

I have heard that a few of you are experiencing serious life issues.  If there is anything I can do, please feel free to contact me.  Reach out to family and friends. Be honest and tell them you need their support.   You do not have to do this alone.  For me, God is my strength.  I know I am never walking alone. God puts others in our lives to help.  I will keep all of you in my prayers.

I appreciate hearing from you.  Positive or negative. My email is attached, or you can call the church and they will give you my number.

Feel free to respond, ask questions, or tell me what you think.

I hope that you can find one thing that will be helpful to you.  Email: